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21 June 2023

Conference of the SYRI National Institute

On Tuesday, 21 June 2023, a conference of the SYRI National Institute on the impact of the war in Ukraine on Czech society took place in the Senate. In the afternoon session, Karolína Dobiášová, PhD gave a presentation on the results of her research on health and access to health care. A visible and sensitive problem that plagues Ukrainian war refugees is the lack of access to medical care, although the state has established a network of low-threshold clinics, UA points, often with Ukrainian-speaking staff, but their capacities are overcrowded. Problems persist in intercultural communication. It is not only the lack of knowledge of the languages, but also the different functioning of the health systems. Both refugees and health professionals often feel that they have not been provided with sufficient information about the situation by public authorities or local government and often do not know where and to whom to contact.

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